كۆمهڵێكی بهرچاو له رێكخراوه مرۆییه نێودهوڵهتی و ناوخۆییهكان، بههاوكاری نوسینگهی هاوبهشی ههماههنگی قهیرانهكان لهسلێمانی كار دهكهن و خزمهتگوزاری جۆراو جۆر پێشكهشی ئاوارهو پهنابهران دهكهن و پشكی گهورهی خزمهتكردنی ئاوارهو پهنابهرانیان گرتووهته ئهستۆو هاوكاری و پشتیوانی دهزگاكانی حكومهتی ههرێم دهكهن لهو رووهوه ، رێكخراوه چالاكهكانی ئهم بواره له چهند ساڵی رابردوو ئێستادا بریتین له:
United nations high commissioner for refugee(UNHCR)
World food program(WFP)
International committee of the red cross(ICRC)
United nations assistance mission for Iraq (UNAMI)
World health organization (WHO)
Youth activity organization(YAO)
Agency for technical cooperation and development (ACTED)
International rescue committee (IRC)
Rwanga foundation(RF)
International organization for migration(IOM)
United nation children fund(UNICEF)
United nation development program (UNDP)
United nations office for coordination of humanitarian affairs (UNOCHA)
Rehabilitation education &community health (REACH)
Deutsche Gesell schaft fur zusammernar beit intenationate (GIZ)
Save the children (STC)
Civil development organization (CDO)
Garman federal agency for technical relief (THW)
Qatar red cresent (QRC)
Un ponte per (UPP)
Action contre la faim(ACF)
Islamic Kurdish league (IKL)
Norwegean refugee council (NRC)
Iraq red crescent society (IRCS)
Horizon relief organization (HRO)
Parwin organization
BARZANI charity foundation (BCF)
Seeking to equip people (STEP)
Bring hope humanitarian foundation (BHHF)
Muslim Aid organization (MAO)
Wadi association for crisis assistance and development co-operation (WADI)
People development organization (PDO)
Kurdistan children nest organization (KCNO)
Help the needy (HTN)
Peace wind japan (PWJ)
Public Aid organization (PAO)
Zhyan foundation
United nations population fund (UNFPA)